Monday, February 25, 2008

Wrap Up

What a great weekend! God is SO good!

After they've rested for a few days, be sure to ask your student(s) for some highlights!

Thanks to our adult staff, TDTMOTGSM, our band, our student leaders, our bus drivers and everyone else who worked hard to make this weekend a HUGE success!

We had fun, we stayed safe, and God certainly moved in our hearts! Thanks for your prayers!

Friday, February 22, 2008

We have arrived!

Thank you for your prayers, we have arrived safely. Now, as for 150 teens unloading their luggage, I'm not sure how safe that will be. What a riot.

We are looking forward to a great time.

Again, thank you for your continued prayers over the weekend.


All Things As Scheduled

Based on the following, we will move ahead with all planned activities for the retreat this weekend:

- I spoke with the bus company that will be transporting and they are confident with the condition and maintenance of the roads both here, there and in between!
- The weather forecast has improved and seems to be cooperating
- The Camp Joy El administration has confirmed that roads and weather conditions are safe there as well

So, please have your students here as planned at 5:00pm so that we can pull out on time!

CELL PHONES: Because of the weather, students WILL be permitted to travel with cell phones. We will ask them to turn them in to us when we arrive and will return them to students before departing on Sunday.

Also, I will update the blog upon arrival this evening!

Please pray for us throughout the weekend!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Weather Update

Winter retreats are MUCH more fun with snow! But obviously, the safety of our students is the top priority!

I have been in touch with our bus company as well as the director of Camp Joy El and will continue to be in touch with them throughout the day tomorrow. I will make a final decision by 2 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) about our plans.

NO MATTER WHAT, WE WILL STILL MEET AT THE CHURCH AT 5:00 PM TOMORROW. Please come prepared for the entire weekend! If the roads are too bad for traveling to Joy El tomorrow night, we will be staying at the church overnight and begin our retreat here, heading for Camp on Saturday morning.

I will send an email update tomorrow at 2 p.m. with our decision and I will continue to update our blog, throughout the weekend!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This blog has been started as a tool for communicating to parents of students in Grace Student Ministries during special events, including our winter retreat and summer conferences.

It will be primarily used to communicate any schedule changes due to inclement weather!

We will also try to update it throughout these events so that parents can hear what is going on and also pray more specifically as their students are gone. However, this will be limited (and may not happen at all) based on computer availability, internet access and of course, time!

Thanks for visiting!