Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday Pictures

A Great Ending to a Great Week

Today, 1500 Momentum students descended on the city of Dayton to serve people and share the love of Jesus in practical ways. But before that, a large group of our students joined for an early morning worship session (6:30 am to be exact)!

Our group, along with 200 others, stayed on campus. For two hours, we helped to put together over 106,000 meals that will go to hungry children in 3rd world countries! That would feed 293 children for an entire year!

This evening's session was a great conclusion to our week with a look back on what we've experiences, a look forward to how to take it home, stories of how God worked through us in Dayton, and a great time of worship. We concluded the conference with time together as a youth group and are now packing up so we can be up and ready to go in the morning.

Our students will be pulling out at 8 am - with an estimated arrival time of 4:30 in Lititz. I will not be with them, as I will be flying out to adult conference in Tampa before they leave...actually, before they wake up!

Thank you for investing in your students - and in this week. I have heard several experienced Momentum attenders say that this has been, by far, the best Momentum ever. I would definitely agree that it is up there:

- 60 students from Lititz CHOSE to go share their faith in Dayton
- Over $94,000 was raised to feed the hungry and build two orphanages in 3rd world countries
- Over 106,000 meals were prepared for starving children
- 1500 people blitzed the city of Dayton today to spread the love of Jesus to all they came in contact with
- God helped our students develop a heart for the poor, the lost and the lonely
- Our students made many commitments to Christ - many very practical steps that can be implemented immediately upon arrival home
- The list goes on...

THANK YOU also, to the amazing adults who joined me this week. Their impact was incredible, and their sacrifice was SO appreciated! These are amazing adults who have the biggest hearts in the world - and who give sacrificially to serve your families and your teens! Thank you Mark & Lori, Korina, Nick and Sherrie! You are awesome!!!

Please be sure to plan on joining us on Sunday, August 3rd for our youth-led communion where many stories of God's work will be shared from individual students!

Friday, July 25, 2008


I hope you've also been checking out for more photos and stories of the week. Click on the link for "Momentum East" to find them.

We even have a small article written about us:

Friday Photos and Video

Friday Update

Today was a very diverse day in terms of our schedule. This morning's session was a mix of several different things including the championship for Bible quizzing including our district's team (of which MaryAnne K. is a member). Unfortunately, the finished behind, but 2nd place isn't too shabby! Way to go North Atlantic District!

Also this morning, the three OB teams did a short program to give people a taste of what OB is all about. Several of our students had some featured parts in the program!

Another highlight of the morning session was that our very own PATTI LEHMAN was named as the recipient of the "Youth Sponsor of the Year Award" from CE National. Patti was unable to attend Momentum this year, but was listening to the presentation via phone! She is well-deserving of this once-a-year, fellowship-wide recognition! WE LOVE YOU PATTI!!!

Instead of sponge sessions, students went to gender-specific sessions in the late morning. The guys session was led by Shawn McBride and the gals session was led by Carol Yauger.

This afternoon, we took our 3rd and final round of students to Dayton, where many had great opportunities to talk to people and love on people in the city. Our students continue to make me so proud. They have touched well over 100 lives this week by "meeting people where they are at", and with each touch, they have moved people closer and closer to "where God wants them to be".

This evenings session was in preparation for tomorrow's "We Care Dayton" event. Students were given time alone to do some soul-searching in order to be prepared spiritually for serving tomorrow. We also had opportunities to pray over the 5,000 bags of groceries that were prepared today for distribution in Dayton tomorrow and to pray for the 100,000 boxed meals that will be prepared tomorrow and sent to a 3rd world country to feed starving people for an entire year.

We concluded our day with another great youth-group time with lots of story-sharing of God's work in our lives. We had a special time of prayer over our OBers as they will be heading out tomorrow evening to finish their tours. We prayed that God will guide them through their transition home and allow them to continue to pursue Him passionately and to serve Him back in "reality". We also prayed for the many people we met in the last three days in Dayton. Tomorrow (Saturday), 1,500 Momentum attenders will go to Dayton to serve and share Jesus with this city. We are praying that the many people we have met this week will perhaps receive another "touch" tomorrow from one of these folks.

Students are getting tired (and the adults, too)! and have been strongly urged to get adequate rest the next two nights! Please pray that God will provide great refreshment and rest so that we are as effective as possible for His kingdom tomorrow (or probably "today" by the time you read this)!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday Photos

Another Great Day

You MUST be praying! Please don't stop!

Today has been another great day. Though many are starting to feel the effects of fatigue from an emotional and very active week, God continues to work MIGHTILY IN and THROUGH GSM students.

This morning, Pastor Jeff Bogue challenged us from the Word as a follow-up to last night's incredible experience, to consider what God is asking of us individually. He explained the importance of simple obedience to God's commands and leading in our lives. Many students are evaluating how seriously they show their claimed love for Christ through obedience to Him.

After another round of sponge sessions, another group of 20 headed for Dayton to work with the organization we've made contact with and to spend some time sharing their faith in a park in downtown Dayton. I am SO ENCOURAGED by the fearlessness of our students to approach complete strangers and love them and share Christ with them. YOUR STUDENTS are buying pretzels for homeless people, playing with children, talking to very real and dirty people...and it is evident that they are doing it out of love - remember, they have voluntarily chosen to go on these excursions.

In other news, our GSM dodgeball team won the dodgeball tourney this afternoon, and our district quiz team, including one of our own as it's top quizzer has made it all the way to the FINALS which will be tomorrow during a main session in front of the entire conference!

It has been a great day! We continue to covet your prayers for great opportunities to "live out" our faith, for open, teachable and obedient hearts, and for a good night's rest tonight!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Teens give over $92,000

I'm too thrilled to NOT post again! Tonight, Pastor Jim Brown from Goshen, IN shared some staggering statistics of what is going on in the world: children being abused; people dying of curable diseases and hunger; families selling their children to provide for the rest of their family...and the list goes on. It was a message that was impossible to walk away from without responding. And the opportunity was given to respond.

Teenagers, yes TEENAGERS, gave over $92,000 tonight to go towards dying people in other parts of the world. The goal was $15,000. As students came forward to give, a "live" number continued to be flashed up on the screen to show people how much was coming in. After 30 minutes or so, the number had climbed just short of $100,000. (Although, if you add in the $21,000 that was given LAST NIGHT as part of the national youth project offering, this conference has given well into 6-digits)!

The first $15,000 will go to provide clean water and food for a year for 100,000 people in Africa! The next chunk will go to build an orphanage in Asia and will pay for the building, food, supplies and education for these orphans for 2 years! Think about the math - if there are 2,000 people here, the average giving was approximately $45 per person tonight alone. Teens sacrificed buying t-shirts, cd's - some even lunch on the trip home -because they were given a challenge, and they responded!

What did you spend your last $45 on?

Following tonight's session we had an incredible hour of sharing together as a youth group all that God is doing. You know things are going well when the entire hour is taken by students, one right after another, sharing what God is teaching them with their peers. We continue to ask the question "so what"? challenging students to think about how these lessons will transfer home.

Thank you for praying! IT IS EVIDENT THAT YOU ARE!

Wednesday Update

Thanks for your continued prayers! We had another great day and are excited about this evening's activities as well.

Steve Fee arrived this morning to lead us in some incredible worship. He has a way of getting teens jumping and VERY involved in "active" worship! David Nasser challenged us from the Word again this morning saying that there isn't room for anything other than Jesus on our "top shelf". It isn't enough to just put Jesus on the top shelf - He needs to be the only "thing" on any of the shelves as ruler of our lives. Many of our students responded and have committed to stop allowing other things in their lives hold any value over the value of their relationship with Christ.

After the morning session, students choose from many "sponge session" options - allowing them to pick topics that are relevant to their lives.

This afternoon, 20 of us went out to "DO" what we've been hearing about. Last night at youth group time, it became evident that the Spirit was moving and that we needed to put some feet to the gospel this week. We prayed for the perfect opportunity to serve and to share our faith, and God answered. We drove 2 vans to Dayton where we met up with the director of a Christian mission that is committed to changing neighborhoods for Jesus Christ and providing life change opportunities for the thousands of homeless people in Dayton. Half of the group stayed and did manual labor for this organization, while the other group went to a nearby park in search of opportunities to share their faith. After an hour or so, the groups switched so that everyone could experience both opportunities. Philemon 6 is true - there is spiritual growth that occurs when we share our faith, and our students have testified to that today! We are excited that we will have this same opportunity tomorrow for 20 more people, and on Friday as well! Please pray that the seeds that are sown would be watered and harvested and that our impact will far outlast our time in Ohio!

The other students remained on campus and enjoyed lots of activities, including watching Bible quizzing, playing in sports tournaments and hanging out with friends. It has been a great day - and a great evening is sure to follow!

Please Pray:
- For the contacts that were made today in Dayton
- For this evenings session - that God would continue to challenge our hearts in specific areas
- For "transfer" of the things we're learning to our every-day lives at home
- For God to use GSM to inspire Grace Church as a whole to be a body of people who care for those in need and get pumped about evangelism!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Photos and video from Monday & Tuesday

Momentum Update

Our students are enjoying the week, greatly! Many of our "first-timers" have commented that the conference has been better than they had expected and those who have been here before are loving it as well!

We arrived safely yesterday afternoon. The registration process for a large group is always a bit time-consuming, but our students handled it well. After getting into rooms and getting some much needed dinner, the week was off to a quick, no non-sense start with a great challenge from Francis Chan. Worship has been led the first few days by Aaron Shust who has been great! Many students responded to the Spirit's leading and went forward to commit to changes in there lives. You know it's going to be a great week if the Spirit is moving so powerfully on the very first night.

Chan continued to challenge us this morning on the theme verse of Micah 6:8, particularly focusing on the need for believers to act justly. Students continue to wrestle with this concept and some will have opportunities tomorrow to put their faith in action!

This evening's challenge came from David Nasser who reminded us that Jesus often met physical needs of those around him before bridging to their spiritual needs.

The evening ended with some sharing during youth group time. This time is always a highlight as we chew on the information that's been presented during the day and ask the question of "so what" - determining measurable steps we can take to transfer these truths to every-day living!

- That students who are struggling to process all this information will be able to walk away from the week with a few specific action steps to take
- That students would develop a passion to take action in the areas of "acting justly", "loving mercy" and "walking humbly with God" in their worlds at home.
- For continued safety and spiritual sensitivity throughout the week.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Wrap Up

What a great weekend! God is SO good!

After they've rested for a few days, be sure to ask your student(s) for some highlights!

Thanks to our adult staff, TDTMOTGSM, our band, our student leaders, our bus drivers and everyone else who worked hard to make this weekend a HUGE success!

We had fun, we stayed safe, and God certainly moved in our hearts! Thanks for your prayers!

Friday, February 22, 2008

We have arrived!

Thank you for your prayers, we have arrived safely. Now, as for 150 teens unloading their luggage, I'm not sure how safe that will be. What a riot.

We are looking forward to a great time.

Again, thank you for your continued prayers over the weekend.


All Things As Scheduled

Based on the following, we will move ahead with all planned activities for the retreat this weekend:

- I spoke with the bus company that will be transporting and they are confident with the condition and maintenance of the roads both here, there and in between!
- The weather forecast has improved and seems to be cooperating
- The Camp Joy El administration has confirmed that roads and weather conditions are safe there as well

So, please have your students here as planned at 5:00pm so that we can pull out on time!

CELL PHONES: Because of the weather, students WILL be permitted to travel with cell phones. We will ask them to turn them in to us when we arrive and will return them to students before departing on Sunday.

Also, I will update the blog upon arrival this evening!

Please pray for us throughout the weekend!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Weather Update

Winter retreats are MUCH more fun with snow! But obviously, the safety of our students is the top priority!

I have been in touch with our bus company as well as the director of Camp Joy El and will continue to be in touch with them throughout the day tomorrow. I will make a final decision by 2 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) about our plans.

NO MATTER WHAT, WE WILL STILL MEET AT THE CHURCH AT 5:00 PM TOMORROW. Please come prepared for the entire weekend! If the roads are too bad for traveling to Joy El tomorrow night, we will be staying at the church overnight and begin our retreat here, heading for Camp on Saturday morning.

I will send an email update tomorrow at 2 p.m. with our decision and I will continue to update our blog, throughout the weekend!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This blog has been started as a tool for communicating to parents of students in Grace Student Ministries during special events, including our winter retreat and summer conferences.

It will be primarily used to communicate any schedule changes due to inclement weather!

We will also try to update it throughout these events so that parents can hear what is going on and also pray more specifically as their students are gone. However, this will be limited (and may not happen at all) based on computer availability, internet access and of course, time!

Thanks for visiting!