Thanks for your continued prayers! We had another great day and are excited about this evening's activities as well.
Steve Fee arrived this morning to lead us in some incredible worship. He has a way of getting teens jumping and VERY involved in "active" worship! David Nasser challenged us from the Word again this morning saying that there isn't room for anything other than Jesus on our "top shelf". It isn't enough to just put Jesus on the top shelf - He needs to be the only "thing" on any of the shelves as ruler of our lives. Many of our students responded and have committed to stop allowing other things in their lives hold any value over the value of their relationship with Christ.
After the morning session, students choose from many "sponge session" options - allowing them to pick topics that are relevant to their lives.
This afternoon, 20 of us went out to "DO" what we've been hearing about. Last night at youth group time, it became evident that the Spirit was moving and that we needed to put some feet to the gospel this week. We prayed for the perfect opportunity to serve and to share our faith, and God answered. We drove 2 vans to Dayton where we met up with the director of a Christian mission that is committed to changing neighborhoods for Jesus Christ and providing life change opportunities for the thousands of homeless people in Dayton. Half of the group stayed and did manual labor for this organization, while the other group went to a nearby park in search of opportunities to share their faith. After an hour or so, the groups switched so that everyone could experience both opportunities. Philemon 6 is true - there is spiritual growth that occurs when we share our faith, and our students have testified to that today! We are excited that we will have this same opportunity tomorrow for 20 more people, and on Friday as well! Please pray that the seeds that are sown would be watered and harvested and that our impact will far outlast our time in Ohio!
The other students remained on campus and enjoyed lots of activities, including watching Bible quizzing, playing in sports tournaments and hanging out with friends. It has been a great day - and a great evening is sure to follow!
Please Pray:
- For the contacts that were made today in Dayton
- For this evenings session - that God would continue to challenge our hearts in specific areas
- For "transfer" of the things we're learning to our every-day lives at home
- For God to use GSM to inspire Grace Church as a whole to be a body of people who care for those in need and get pumped about evangelism!