Yesterday was a great ending to a great time in Ireland. God has been so faithful to us and the list of highlights is very long.
We began our last full day at a groovy cafe in an old shopping arcade. They had a great little basement room that served as our debriefing room. We spent an hour or so tailing through the concept of transitioning these lessons home. It's important to discuss these things in order to make the most out of these types of experiences. Our students will have a lot to process as the go home - they have had so many rich experiences this week.
We closed out the week of kids camp with one more day of loving on the kids. We were able to do a few activities that allowed us to affirm the children and encourage them with words that they don't hear very often. These "simple" expressions of love will mean the world to them for years to come.
Many of the parents made comments to Scott and Rebekah expressing that they hope their kids are one day like our teenagers. They were so impressed by what they saw. Please pray that the impact will be spiritual in nature - that they will comprehend that the difference in these teens is Jesus!
We then headed into Temple Bar area to an Indonesian restaurant for our 'last supper'. We had the upper room of the restaurant where we lounged around tables and shared some incredible food. We had a great time of sharing with the Beckers and Kian, an Irish teen who has become a good friend of all our students. It was the perfect ending to our time, hearing how God has been moving in the lives of each teammate in the past ten days of so. We also had a time of encouraging one another, and a significant and moving prayer time over the Beckers, their ministry, and their family.
We are heading to the airport this morning for the hop over the ocean. This has been a great trip because, and we have recognized that we hve a huge team of supporters! Thank you all for investing in us through time, energy, dollars and most importantly, prayer. You are all an equally important part of the team.
Please pray for our students to transition well to home, and to continue to learn the lessons God has for them.