Well, we made it home. But not without a travel adventure.
We started out at 7:30 a.m. in Dublin yesteday (2:30 a.m. on the East Coast) and headed to the airport. Check-in was pretty quick, as was security and the U.S. Customs pre-clearance (you actually go through the customs process in Dublin, so you don't have to go through it when you arrive in the U.S.).
We arrived in Philadelphia on time around 2 p.m.
I should back up and explain that our flights were scheduled from Dublin to Philadelphia to Newark. Philadelphia is much closer to home, but it saved us approximately $150 per ticket to go to Newark. Airlines are manipulative.
We had considered just walking off in Philadelphia, thinking that we would have to pick up our checked bags for the customs process. Thankfully we did not decide that, as our bags were headed straight for Newark. And so was our ride! The Landis's graciously agreed to pick all 13 of us up at Newark. Which is where they were at 4:00. We were supposed to arrive there just after 5. But thanks to weather on the East Coast, our flight in Philadelphia was delayed multiple times, then finally cancelled.
We went to the airline and told them we would not be interested in re-booking, but would really just like our luggage. In the meantime, the Landis's began another long leg of their journey from Newark to Philadelphia! Oddly, we could see our luggage the entire time we were waiting in the terminal...the airline had it all out next to the plane we were supposed to fly in. I might add, that they left it lay out there IN THE RAIN...for several hours.
By 8 or 8:30, we had our wet luggage, and the Landis's arrive at Philadelphia International for us to head home.
What a day!
Special thanks to the Landis's who drove two vehicles for hundreds of miles and many hours on our behalf! Everyone is happy to be home safe!