Today was another great day...we even got to experience the first big rain of our time here. Too bad most of us forgot to carry our rain gear with us today! We've been so spoiled we forgot!
We started the day with a mandatory hour with God. The weather was great this morning so students spread out all over St. Stephens Green and at a nearby cafe, enjoying lots of quiet time in Gods Word, in prayer and journaling. We finished that up with a bit of team time processing our experiences over the last few days.
We were then off to the ministry center for our day of kids camp. Plans needed to change a bit as the skies were getting gray and outdoor activities seemed to be out of the question. Once again, our students did a great job flexing and loving our our kids. Jeremiah got to teach the lesson today, about the God-shaped hole in our hearts that can only be filled by Jesus. Please pray that the planted seeds will grow. One child opened up to Jeremiah later in the afternoon based on some of their life stories being similar. God is at work!
After the camp, we headed out into the rain. The students were in charge of dinner tonight, so they were given money to head to the grocery store and we all ended up at the Beckers. The boys did the cooking and the girls cleaned up! The adults all relaxed and enjoyed one anothers company for a bit. The dinner was awesome and there are about three gallons worth of leftover pasta! :)
After dinner students had the opportunity to watch Irish movie. Some of them didn't last too long as the busy days are catching up to us all!
Tomorrow we will begin debriefing and packing for the journey home on Friday. We will also be concluding the kids camp.