My good friend, Mark Artrip ( often "Mind Dumps" on his blog. I thought it would be a great way to give you some of my personal wrap-up thoughts from the week of Momentum. I'm going to do it with no notes in front of me...just a few "off the top of my head" things as reflect on the amazing week God gave us.
- The weather was amazing all week. It only rained one time, and it was during a time that didn't impact any serving or programming. God is in the details!!!
- Our 5 OB students are having great summers. I was able to talk to most of them at length about their tours thus far, and each is doing really well. God is definitely at work in their hearts, and I am SO excited that we get to have each of them back for another year so they can pour into other students in GSM and into Grace Church.
- I purchased a piece of the bus that I spent my first two OB tours on at an auction this week! I will keep it in my office as a reminder of all that God did in my heart those summers!
- Catching up with many, many people from across the country is always a highlight of the week for me. I get to bounce ideas off of people and discuss all the things that we crazy "youth guys" like to discuss. I also get to network with other ministries, colleges and equipping opportunities to help guide our students as they pray about their futures.
- The speaking line-up was very interesting this year. Rather than addressing the individual speakers, I'd just like to say that the overall theme of the week, and the direction that all the speakers were heading, collectively, was affirmation from God that we are heading the right direction this Fall with GSM. Jeremiah and I have been praying about some ideas for the next year, and the concepts that we would like to focus on in our teaching/training, etc. and this week was a great kick-off to that. Stay tuned!!!
- I LOVE STUDENTS. God continues to affirm in my heart that I am called to work with students at this point in my life. There is nothing in the world more satisfying and exciting to me than watching students worship freely and genuinely, share their faith and lead people to Christ, serve others who they have no previous connection to, and respond to God's movement in their lives with obedience and determination.
- The students of Grace Student Ministries are amazing. (See previous paragraph). Every single one of our 85ish students gave up at least one afternoon this week to serve on the work projects we were assigned (This Wednesday night, Jer and I will be holding up our end of the deal...can anyone say 'Mohawk')? In addition, we had no major disciplinary problems, they were respectful and responsible all week and dealt joyfully with some of the headaches of being such a large group at a conference. And more than just the serious stuff, they are just a LOT of fun! What a tremendous group of students - parents should be very proud.
- GSM has amazing staff! Not all of our staff were able to attend Momentum with us, and some of our Momentum staff weren't regular GSM staff. But the adults that served our students this week are just incredible. These adults were jumping at opportunities to serve the students, and to lighten my load all week. On top of that, they LOVE our students and spent so much time loving on them, praying with them, and having a great time. I am more confident than ever before, that these adults will also continue to follow up with students who made commitments this week. These adults are committed to the spiritual growth and discipleship of our students.
- Momentum is more than just a conference. It is an opportunity for us to make leaps and bounds in the discipleship process of students. Students are exposed to biblical teaching, practical break-out sessions that are geared towards different levels of students, opportunities to serve and share their faith, community, time to fellowship and bond as a student ministry, opportunities to interact with and be guided by loving adults who will continue to be part of their lives...what a week!
Thanks for YOUR investment in our students through prayer and giving! It was well worth it, and will continue to be as we move forward into the next school year.