A day is like 1,000 years at Momentum. There is so much packed into every single day that it feels like so much more than one day!
This morning started with a great challenge from Shawn McBride about "throwing off" anything that slows us down, spiritually (Hebrews 12:1-2). Some students immediately thought of sin issues in their lives that entangle them; while others were challenged by issues that aren't necessarily sin, yet they are weights that entangle. How can we share our very lives (I Thess. 2:8) with people if we are all tangled up and deprived of the joy of the Lord?
Students then went to their choice of powertrax and enjoyed a delicious lunch of hot-dogs and chicken nuggets! Ahhhh...campus food!
This afternoon was filled with MANY fun activities and memories! Some played pick-up football; some worked on their tans; some slipped and slided; some watched an OB program; and some (perhaps a particular director of student ministries and a jr. high director) "tried" to ride scooters down a very steap grassy hill. For the record, BOTH fell hard! Also for the record, the director of student ministries was smart enough to fall on grass...the Jr. High director...not so much! We will be comparing our black and blue marks tomorrow!
This evening's session was awesome as Jeff Bogue gave a challenge to all of us to reconsider WHO Jesus is. Many would say that they "know" Jesus, yet would be unable to describe His character and many of His attributes. We took a detailed look at who Jesus is and were challenged to consider what we are sharing people when we try to share "the gospel" with them.
Do you know Jesus? You can't know Him and NOT tell people about Him!
The session was closed with a great time of response through worship, and we headed back to our dorm for youth-group time. Students discussed the events of the day in small groups and each shared one specific action point based on the challenges presented.
It's been a great day! Time for some rest before another busy, yet amazing day!