Another great day at Momentum.
This morning, Gabe Lyons challenged us to consider the world's perceptions of Christianity as we get ready for Saturday's "We Care Pittsburgh" projects. He is the co-author of the book "unChristian" and he provided us with some great ways to make sure we are effectively telling the "whole story" of the gospel, and not just part of it.
This afternoon a large group of our students headed to an area school district to work on manual labor projects. We will be sending a group daily to serve in this very small school and to help fix things up for the next school year. Our group today did a great job and left the school employees very impressed.
Another large group of our students went to the Island Campus of RMU to ice skate, mini-golf and hit balls at the driving range. They had a great time hanging out!
This evening, Kondo Simfukwe powerfully presented the Bible's description of the Church. Students were challenged in their identity and asked to consider their investment and involvement in the Body of Christ.
We had a great evening of worship and learning and were able to debrief in youth group time tonight. Time for bed...finally!