Another great day for the books! It's hard to believe how quickly our time here is passing, but with the pace we have been keeping, it is not hard to understand why.
This morning Xander, Jimmy, Rachel P. and Heather were picked up to go help with a special project, cleaning up from a festival that took place yesterday. The rest of the team was able to enjoy a little later wake-up time, though some of these crazy students got up to go exercise!
We all met up and walked to Grafton Street for an hour or so where students were given money to find lunch on their own. We headed out to Dundrum by Tram after that (towards the Becker's house) where students had a few hours to do some shopping in Europe's soon-to-be largest shopping center. (Souvenirs are on their way Mums and Dads)!
We ended up at the Becker's house late this afternoon and everyone immediately jumped in to help prepare food and the house for this evenings service with Crossroads Church. Those without tasks met in the living room to pray for the evening.
By 5:30 or 6, folks were begining to show up. We enjoyed worship together, a time of thanksgiving and prayer, as well as some teaching, reflection and application from the book of Daniel. One thing we have in common with the Irish, is that we understand that most good fellowship happens over food! So after the service, the BBQ was fired up and the kitchen was in motion. We had a wonderful evening interacting with folks from the church and getting to know them a bit better. We arrived back at the hostel "early" tonight (11:40 p.m.) for a good night's sleep.
Tomorrow we will start earlier than other mornings, but we should be relaxed as we will be touring a bit in the countryside. We will also be closing up our time with the Beckers tomorrow night before we head to Urban Soul on Tuesday.
Please continue to pray for health and safety as well as great attitudes and open eyes for the opportunities God wants us to take advantage of!